Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Polyvore Mania

Polyvore is the fashion sensation sweeping the teen and tween nation right now. It's a girl's dollpaper dream come true, on the web. You can search a huge database of images to find the right clothing items, and create colorful collages that are inspiring and eye-catching. Comment on your friends' sets and create your own-- your imagination is the only limit in this game.

Head on over to Polyvore.  Also, add Violet_a_la_mer as a friend! 


Alexa said...
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Alexa said...

hey um are you by any chance somebody called peridot-tears?

prettyneons said...

Hey hey your blog is killer!! I bloody luv the neon brights in that image right up my street! I was just watching the film breakfast club, and usually nothing distracts me from that. So defo thumbs up!hahahaha!!

Prettyneons :) x